Press Release: Frank Claassen

New Challenge! As of the 1st of May 2017, I am fulfilling the position of Accountmanager IT Contracting at G-Nius. Currently I have developed a certain level of knowledge in the recruitment industry where I have been responsible for not only acquiring assignments but also guiding and steering the development of professionals in their career path.

Realising the right match between candidate and client is a passion which I developed over the last couple of years. For me it is important to strive for a high level of quality and service while operating. Also at G-Nius it is my goal to identify myself as a Business Partner who is willing to proactively develop a long term relationship.

In my spare time I like spending time with friends and family while enjoying a nice bite and drink.

Press Release: Ruben van Hal

My name is Ruben van Hal, 24 years old and I live in Tilburg. At G-Nius I will be working as an accountmanager responsible of ICT. In the past I have gained knowledge of recruitment in the field of ICT. My goal is bringing people and organisations together so that both parties can establish a successful relationship with each other.


My passion is sports, both active and passive. In 2014 I graduated at Fontys, University of Applied Science in Tilburg, with an expertise in sports marketing and sports business.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or when I can help you with anything concerning the business.