The ideal job description for freelancers

Especially now, with a tight job market, it is crucial to write a strong and eye-catching job description. But how can you ensure that your job offer stands out and attracts the right freelance professionals? We provide some guidelines to create an appealing job description that excites freelancers.

Earlier this year, conducted a survey among 2,500 freelancers, asking them about the key elements they consider in a job description. This article describes four crucial aspects that freelancers evaluate to determine if an assignment is interesting to them or not.

The assignment

It may sound obvious, but a clear description of the tasks and a detailed overview of the assignment are considered indispensable by freelancers. In practice, however, these aspects are often not clearly defined or are described very briefly. With limited information, freelancers find it challenging to assess whether they can deliver the desired results. They also need to know what is expected of them and what knowledge or skills they should possess.

Alongside a comprehensive description of the assignment, providing information about the organization or department is crucial. Create a clear image of the organization, its corporate culture, and the team. Freelancers appreciate knowing the work environment they will be entering.

Include all practical details in the job description. Be explicit about the number of working hours and the workplace. Especially concerning the location, respondents expressed the desire for clear information. Therefore, specify the city where the workplace is located and mention the possibilities for remote or hybrid work.

The offer

According to’s research, over 80% of the surveyed freelancers consider a concrete hourly rate highly important. Mentioning a ‘market conform’ rate is even perceived negatively by many freelancers. They take the offer into account when deciding whether to respond to the job offer or not.


Don’t forget to describe the follow-up steps after freelancers have responded to the assignment. The research indicates that over 75% of all freelancers expect feedback within 3 business days. Some even anticipate a response within 24 hours, even if it’s just a confirmation that their application is being considered.

Especially during times of a tight job market, it’s crucial to provide prompt feedback, even if there have been delays in the process. This demonstrates the organization’s commitment and transparency. Additionally, professionals might have applied for multiple assignments. Delaying feedback may result in the risk of losing an available freelancer.

Text format

When freelancers search for a new assignment, they start by scanning the job description. Within seconds, they decide whether the assignment is interesting enough to read further. The proper formatting of the text is therefore essential.

Ensure that the text is easy to read, using short sentences, headings, bullet points, and paragraphs. This makes the text organized and easy to scan. Use a writing style that aligns with the organization, showing its identity and setting it apart.

Always conclude the text with a clear ‘call to action’. With this paragraph, you prompt the reader to respond to the job offer. Clearly indicate who the contact person is for inquiries and how to reach them.

Looking for freelancers or a new assignment?

Are you in search of a freelance IT professional for an open project? Feel free to contact us, and we will be glad to assist you. If you are a freelancer looking for IT assignments, check out the opportunities we offer here.