Team IT & Healthcare

G-Nius expands business unit IT & Healthcare

We are excited to announce the expansion of our IT & Healthcare business unit with the addition of Mike van Strien. Mike has been with G-Nius for some time, but as of July 1, 2024, he will be joining Sjoerd and Frank to focus on our IT & Healthcare business unit.

Since the establishment of this business unit a year and a half ago, we have experienced strong growth. We work closely with various healthcare institutions, including mental health institutions, hospitals, and elderly care organizations. The demand for our services continues to rise, making the expansion of our team within this sector a logical step.

With Mike on board, we are strengthening our ability to provide our clients and our network of professionals with the attention and expertise they deserve. We are confident that his arrival will be a valuable addition to our business unit and will further improve the quality of our services.

Are you an IT professional or healthcare organization interested in what we can do for you with our vision on strategic resource management in healthcare? Please feel free to contact us.

For more information or questions please contact Frank Claassen at 6 15 16 58 44, Sjoerd Janus at 6 55 55 01 52 or Mike van Strien at 6 29 45 08 12.

Rogier Meinster

Get to know our professional: Rogier Meinster

Three years ago, Rogier started working at SK FireSafety Group through G-Nius, and he is still thriving there. In this interview, we delve deeper into his daily responsibilities as a project manager and his collaboration with G-Nius. He views G-Nius not only as a client but also as a sparring partner. Read on to discover how he successfully works remotely and why he would recommend G-Nius (but selectively).

You are a project manager at SK FireSafety Group, what are your responsibilities?

I am responsible for all operational tasks within the IT department that are necessary to guide projects from start to finish. This includes IT projects for all companies under the group. Sometimes, it involves upgrading applications for a small regional company, while other times, I am working on large-scale tasks for the entire organization, such as procuring telephony services. My role is to operationally manage these projects, ensuring everyone does their part and that the project’s end goals are met.

How did you end up at G-Nius?

Three years ago, G-Nius approached me with a great opportunity. We had a conversation, and that’s how I was introduced to SK FireSafety Group. I am still very happy with my position there; the collaboration is excellent!

What has G-Nius accomplished for you?

G-Nius facilitated my entry with the client and the associated project. Additionally, Sjoerd and I regularly discuss market developments, ongoing issues, and our perspectives on various matters. Therefore, G-Nius also serves as a sparring partner for assessing our current position and future actions.

Sjoerd also consistently checks in to see how the project is going, whether everything is running smoothly, and if there are any issues where G-Nius needs to intervene or assist. Fortunately, that hasn’t been necessary so far.

What is the best company event or team outing of G-Nius that you have attended?

I haven’t (yet) attended any G-Nius events because they are too far away for me.

You work for a company in Breda but live in Enschede. How do you manage that?

I work from home and rarely go to the office. Remote work suits me perfectly. Last week, one of the division directors within the organization even complimented me on it, saying, “You have stayed in the post-COVID period where everything was done via Teams, and you’re very good at it.”

I don’t need to see someone in person to do my job. I schedule appointments, and if that’s via Teams, that’s how we communicate. We can also chat about other things, like football, via Teams.

How does G-Nius differentiate itself?

As a freelancer, you often get approached by various agencies that want to push your CV to multiple companies without really knowing you. G-Nius does the opposite; they first have a conversation with the professional to understand the person. Based on that, they make a match with a client. That’s the biggest difference with G-Nius. They really look at the assignment and the person, adding value that clients seek when looking for good staff through an agency.

Professionals can trust that G-Nius will find the assignments they desire.

Would you recommend G-Nius?

I would definitely recommend G-Nius. However, being part of the G-Nius family, I’d be cautious about who I bring into that family, in a positive way. I see the work of other freelancers around me, and I’m not always sure if their quality aligns with what G-Nius stands for, so I am careful. But if I come across a good candidate, I would certainly introduce them to G-Nius immediately.

Start Recruiter University

How do we implement upskilling at G-Nius?

At G-Nius, we highly value the development of our employees. Therefore, we strongly focus on upskilling, supporting our people in continuously improving and expanding their skills. In this article, we explain how we apply upskilling within our organization. From monthly progress meetings to attending courses and knowledge sessions, we offer various opportunities for personal and professional growth.

What is upskilling?

Previously, we wrote a blog post about upskilling. Upskilling is the process by which employees acquire new skills or improve existing ones to enhance their competencies and employability. This is essential in a rapidly changing job market where technological innovations and evolving business strategies constantly impose new demands on workers.

Progress meetings as a basis for development

At G-Nius, we place great importance on the development of our employees. Monthly progress meetings with each employee help determine their current status and well-being. In these meetings, we always ask: “How can we support you?” This ensures that we can continually respond to the needs and ambitions of our staff.

There is space and freedom to broaden and enrich knowledge through webinars or by attending knowledge sessions, trade fairs, and events. We believe that continuous education is essential for professional growth, so we strive to offer various learning and development opportunities.

Collaboration and feedback for team improvement

Additionally, colleagues always work together to help each other when needed. A few years ago, we introduced the 361° feedback form. Every six months, all colleagues provide feedback to themselves and each other, highlighting areas for improvement. We have found that this approach provides new insights and strengthens team cohesion. This way, we can also help each other achieve goals by understanding what the learning points are.

Training and courses

In addition to the above points, we also offer training and courses. For example, last year, our recruiters took a course through Recruiters University to enhance their existing recruitment skills. This helped them perform better and work more efficiently.

Currently, we are looking into a suitable training or course for our marketing team, as they have expressed a desire to gain more knowledge about recruitment marketing. Before joining G-Nius, both of our marketers worked in retail marketing. While some marketing principles are universally applicable, many skills are specific to our industry. Therefore, we want to give them the opportunity to expand their skills with new marketing expertise relevant to recruitment.

Upskilling for professionals

The IT world is a dynamic environment where technical developments can follow each other rapidly. It is important for our professionals to have up-to-date knowledge. We, as an employer, encourage and facilitate the pursuit of education and courses to acquire this knowledge. This enables us to better meet the needs of our clients and support professionals in their personal and professional development.

Investing in growth and development

At G-Nius, we see upskilling not as a one-time investment but as an ongoing process that contributes to the growth and success of both our employees and our organization. Therefore, we continuously invest in the development of our people so that they can keep growing and excelling in their field.

Would you like to know more about how we implement upskilling or are you interested in working at G-Nius? Feel free to contact us! We are also always open to tips on how we can further improve upskilling within G-Nius.

Gen Z over de arbeidsmarkt

The vision of Gen Z on the labour market

An Unforgettable Evening: Team Outing to Guus Meeuwis Concert

Last Saturday evening, our team experienced an unforgettable night out at one of the final concerts of the beloved Dutch singer Guus Meeuwis. The evening was marked by a perfect combination of music, conviviality, and a sense of togetherness.

The concert took place in the beautiful Philips Stadium in Eindhoven, where Meeuwis treated the audience to a musical journey through his impressive career. Well-known hits like “Het is een nacht” and “Brabant” elicited ecstatic reactions and sing-alongs from the enthusiastic crowd.

For our team and their partners, it was a perfect opportunity to come together outside of the workplace and enjoy an evening full of entertainment. The pre-concert drinks and dinner in the stadium’s VIP lounge provided a great start to the evening.

This team outing will remain in our memories for a long time as a night where work gave way to music, fun, and team building.

De G-Nius voorjaarsborrel in 2024

Successful and Enjoyable Spring Gathering

This year, we organized our traditional spring gathering for our associates again. In the coziest street of Den Bosch (the Korte Putstraat), we enjoyed delicious snacks and drinks, each other’s company, and good conversations.

G-Nius annual spring gathering in Den Bosch's Korte Putstraat

For the gathering, which takes place every year in spring, we invited our clients, professionals, and new associates to get to know us and each other in a personal way.

In a time where digital contact is the norm, we find it important to meet and speak with our associates in person. Additionally, the gathering provides an opportunity to meet new people and strengthen existing relationships.

Would you like to attend our gatherings next time? Then send a message to and we will ensure you receive an invitation.

10 verschillen tussen solliciteren nu en 10 jaar geleden

10 differences between job applications now and 10 years ago

Curious about how job applications have changed over the past decade? In this article, we’ll explore the 10 most significant differences. Keep reading for valuable insights that can assist you in finding suitable professionals or your ideal job!

1. Digital Transformation: One of the most noticeable changes is the complete digitization of the job application process. Ten years ago, paper resumes and cover letters were common. Now, nearly everything happens online, from job searches to submitting applications and attending virtual interviews.

2. Automated Screenings: Many companies now utilize automated screening systems to analyze resumes and select suitable candidates based on predefined criteria. These systems use artificial intelligence and algorithms to streamline the hiring process, a practice that was less common or even unthinkable a decade ago.

3. Rise of Social Media: Social media and professional networks have become integral parts of the job application process. Candidates can use platforms like LinkedIn to present themselves and network with potential employers, a practice less common ten years ago.

4. Remote Job Applications: Thanks to technological advancements, remote job interviews have become much more common in 2024, allowing candidates to apply for jobs from the comfort of their homes. This provides employers with a larger pool of potential candidates. Ten years ago, remote job interviews were less common, with more emphasis placed on in-person meetings.

10 Differences Between Job Searching Now and 10 Years Ago

5. Personal Branding: Personal branding has become essential for job seekers to stand out. By showcasing who you are, what you stand for, and how you differentiate yourself, you can leave a lasting impression on potential employers. Want to learn more about this topic? Read our latest article on personal branding.

6. Transparency and Feedback: Employers now offer more transparency in the job application process and provide feedback to candidates. This makes the application process more transparent and shorter, helping candidates better understand where they stand.

7. Flexibility in Work Environment: In 2024, flexible working, including remote and partially remote work, is much more prevalent than before. Job seekers often have the option to choose jobs with flexible hours and locations, contributing to a better work-life balance. These benefits can influence candidates’ job application decisions.

8. Diversity and Inclusion: There is a greater emphasis on diversity and inclusion in the job application process. Employers increasingly value a diverse and inclusive workforce, which has become a significant part of many company cultures. Compared to ten years ago, sharing these values has become an essential part of recruitment campaigns.

9. Skill-Based Hiring: Skill-based hiring focuses on competencies and skills rather than education and work experience. Employers assess candidates based on their ability to perform job tasks effectively. Required competencies are defined, and professionals demonstrate their skills, for example, through assessments.

10. AI as a Tool: AI can assist job seekers by providing personalized job recommendations, optimizing resumes and cover letters, and guiding job application processes through chatbots. This makes the job application process more efficient and effective, giving candidates better chances of finding suitable jobs.

Job Applications in 2024

Over the past decade, the job application process has undergone drastic changes due to digitization, automated screening systems, and the rise of social media.

Through the use of personal branding, job seekers can differentiate themselves in the job market. AI tools can assist in drafting resumes and cover letters by providing suggestions for improvements and highlighting keywords important for automated screening systems.

Employers are paying more attention to transparency, feedback, diversity, and inclusion in their hiring processes. Flexible working has become commonplace for many of them, and skills-based hiring is on the rise. These practices increase the candidate pool, giving them a better chance of finding the right professional. Additionally, AI solutions can make the process more efficient and effective.

Hoe vind je de perfecte ICT-vacatures

How to Find the Perfect ICT Jobs

Are you working in the IT sector? Then finding the perfect ICT jobs can be a challenging task. With an abundance of vacancies and various specialisations, it’s crucial to follow a structured approach. In this blog, we provide you with a step-by-step guide to effectively search for and apply to suitable IT jobs.

Understand your own skills and goals

Self-assessment: Start by analyzing your social and technical skills, experience, and knowledge. Make a list of your key skills, such as programming languages, tools, and frameworks you master. Also, map out your social skills and competencies.

Career goals: Think about what you want to achieve in your career. Are you looking for a position with advancement opportunities, a specific work culture, or perhaps a certain salary?

Create a CV

With a strong CV, you can distinguish yourself from other professionals. It is important that recruiters immediately see what makes you suitable for the role. To help you with this, we provide a brief explanation on how to build a CV.

Shape your Personal Brand

Personal profile: After conducting a good analysis of your knowledge, experience, and skills, you can create a personal profile. Describe who you are and what sets you apart from other candidates.

Show who you are: Once you have a clear personal brand, it’s time to present it to the outside world. The way you present yourself and how you communicate should align with your personality. LinkedIn is a strong platform that can help with this.

Networking and social media

LinkedIn: Optimize your LinkedIn profile and use the networking platform to connect with professionals in the IT sector. Follow companies you are interested in and stay updated on their latest vacancies.

Professional networks: Join IT networks and communities, both online and offline. Participation in conferences, meetups, and webinars can lead to valuable contacts and undiscovered ICT vacancies.

Prepare for job interviews

Prepare common questions: Prepare for commonly asked interview questions. These can be questions about you as a person as well as your technical knowledge. Soft skills: Work on presenting your soft skills, such as communication and teamwork. IT roles often require the ability to effectively collaborate and solve problems as part of a team.

Company research: Conduct thorough research on the company you are applying to. Understand their mission, vision, products, and services. This demonstrates that you are interested and well-prepared.

Clothing choice: Make sure you are dressed appropriately for the company culture. This can range from formal to casual, depending on the company.

Prepare questions: Prepare some questions to ask during the interview. This shows your interest in the role and the company and helps you determine if the role is right for you.

Collaborate with a staffing agency

Benefits of staffing: Staffing agencies often have a wide network of companies and can help you find temporary, project-based, and permanent positions. This can lead to diverse work experience and rapid career development.

Tailored support: Staffing agencies often provide tailored support, such as career guidance, training, and coaching. They can help you sharpen your skills and be better prepared for new challenges. Networking opportunities: By working with a staffing agency, you expand your professional network, which can enhance future career opportunities.

The search for ICT Jobs

Finding the perfect IT vacancies requires a combination of self-awareness, using various search channels, and taking a proactive approach. By having clear skills and goals, using effective search strategies, collaborating with staffing agencies, and being well-prepared for job interviews, you increase your chances of finding the ideal job in the IT sector. Good luck with your search!

Suzanne Verheijden

The Faces behind G-Nius: Suzanne Verheijden

Suzanne has been with G-Nius for over 3 years now. She enhances the team with her expertise in marketing and communication. But who is Suzanne inside and outside of G-Nius? To find out, we asked her a few questions. For example, about which aspects of her work she enjoys discussing with others or what helps her when she’s not feeling her best. Want to know the answers to these and more questions? Keep reading.

As a Marketing and Communication Specialist at G-Nius, what do you do exactly?

It’s hard to give a precise description of what I do, but my goal is to promote G-Nius as a strategic partner and thereby spread our message. What we do, why we do it, etc. What I particularly enjoy is the challenge of my work. When I started here, there was no focus on marketing, it was more of a side activity. That makes it enjoyable because I can build from something small to hopefully something very big.

Which aspects of your work do you like to discuss with others?

The atmosphere within the team. I find it very pleasant, and I like to share that with others. The freedom and opportunities I get to work on my own projects and grow as a person, and the results that come from it.

What does your perfect workspace look like?

I like to be in contact with others. A place where I can see colleagues and speak with them without barriers or doors in between. An open workspace without too much noise is important, as I get easily distracted. Daylight, especially plenty of it, is crucial to create an inspiring environment. Working in the center of Den Bosch further fuels inspiration; after lunch, we can go for walks in nature or explore the city. I like this variation. Fortunately, my workspace at G-Nius aligns well with my ideal workspace.

Where do you draw your inspiration from?

I draw inspiration from my surroundings, my family, friends, but also from being outdoors. When I go for walks, my mind clears, and I have the opportunity to let my brain work overtime and come up with good ideas. Websites with industry-related information, colleagues, and professionals from the same field can also inspire me.

What’s been your favorite company party or team outing?

That would be the trip to Maastricht with partners. I had organized it myself, so it was nice to see everything go according to plan. Maastricht is a beautiful city, the weather was nice, and everything just went smoothly. The activities were great, the location was great, and the food was delicious; it was a complete success. This was the outing for G-Nius’s 20th anniversary. A casual activity we had as a team was stand-up paddleboarding. It was a spontaneous team outing that turned out to be a lot of fun.

What superpower would you like to have?

I would like to have the power of magic, then I could fly, be invisible, and time travel. But if I could only choose one, I would go for flying. The freedom and speed seem amazing to me.

What helps you feel better when you’re not feeling your best?

Exercising. Usually, I go for a run or mountain biking to clear my head. Quality time with my children and/or partner also helps me. Sitting by the fire together, or going for a walk with friends and then heading to the pub for drinks. All of that gives me the energy to feel better again.

What did you always want as a child but didn’t get?

When I was young, I always wanted a horse; I used to ride horses for quite some time. I understand why I didn’t get one, and looking back, I’m actually glad I didn’t.

Have you lived anywhere other than the Netherlands?

I lived in Canterbury, England for a while during my internship. It’s a really cool city. Learning another language better, living independently in a new country, and meeting new people, I would recommend it to everyone. Who knows, maybe we’ll go abroad someday for my partner’s work. Most likely, that would be Curaçao or Aruba. We’ll see what the future holds.

What is your favorite season? And why?

Definitely autumn; in autumn, you often have the Indian summer. The weather can still be lovely, and at the same time, I really enjoy the colored leaves. An added bonus is that I don’t suffer from hay fever during that time 😉.